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Text of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement – Chapter thirty: Final provisions

Article 30.1 – Integral parts of this Agreement

The protocols, annexes, declarations, joint declarations, understandings and footnotes to this Agreement constitute integral parts thereof.

Article 30.2 – Amendments

1. The Parties may agree, in writing, to amend this Agreement. An amendment shall enter into force after the Parties exchange written notifications certifying that they have completed their respective applicable internal requirements and procedures necessary for the entry into force of the amendment, or on the date agreed by the Parties.

2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the CETA Joint Committee may decide to amend the protocols and annexes of this Agreement. The Parties may approve the CETA Joint Committee's decision in accordance with their respective internal requirements and procedures necessary for the entry into force of the amendment. The decision shall enter into force on a date agreed by the Parties. This procedure shall not apply to amendments to Annexes I, II and III and to amendments to the annexes of Chapters Eight (Investment), Nine (Cross-Border Trade in Services), Ten (Temporary Entry and Stay of Natural Persons for Business Purposes) and Thirteen (Financial Services), except for Annex 10-A (List of Contact Points of the Member States of the European Union).

Article 30.3 – Preference utilisation

For a period of 10 years after the entry into force of this Agreement, the Parties shall exchange quarterly figures at the tariff line level for HS Chapters 1 through 97, on imports of goods from the other Party that are subject to MFN-applied tariff rates and tariff preferences under this Agreement. Unless the Parties decide otherwise, this period will be renewed for five years and may be subsequently extended by them.

Article 30.4 – Current account

The Parties shall authorise, in freely convertible currency and in accordance with Article VIII of the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund done at Bretton Woods on 22 July 1944, any payments and transfers on the current account of the balance of payments between the Parties.

Article 30.5 – Movement of capital

The Parties shall consult each other with a view to facilitating the movement of capital between them by continuing to implement their policies regarding the liberalisation of the capital and financial account, and by supporting a stable and secure framework for long term investment.

Article 30.6 – Private rights

1. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as conferring rights or imposing obligations on persons other than those created between the Parties under public international law, nor as permitting this Agreement to be directly invoked in the domestic legal systems of the Parties.

2. A Party shall not provide for a right of action under its domestic law against the other Party on the ground that a measure of the other Party is inconsistent with this Agreement.

Article 30.7 – Entry into force and provisional application

1. The Parties shall approve this Agreement in accordance with their respective internal requirements and procedures.

2. This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date the Parties exchange written notifications certifying that they have completed their respective internal requirements and procedures or on such other date as the Parties may agree.


The provisions that are not subject to a notification by a Party shall be provisionally applied by that Party from the first day of the month following the later notification, or on such other date as the Parties may agree, provided the Parties have exchanged notifications under subparagraph (a).

4. Canada shall submit notifications under this Article to the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union or its successor. The European Union shall submit notifications under this Article to Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development or its successor.

Article 30.8 – Termination, suspension or incorporation of other existing agreements

1. The agreements listed in Annex 30-A shall cease to have effect, and shall be replaced and superseded by this Agreement. Termination of the agreements listed in Annex 30-A shall take effect from the date of entry into force of this Agreement.

2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, a claim may be submitted under an agreement listed in Annex 30-A in accordance with the rules and procedures established in the agreement if:

  1. the treatment that is object of the claim was accorded when the agreement was not terminated; and
  2. no more than three years have elapsed since the date of termination of the agreement.

3. The Agreement between the European Economic Community and Canada concerning Trade and Commerce in Alcoholic Beverages, done at Brussels on 28 February 1989, as amended, (the "1989 Alcoholic Beverages Agreement") and the Agreement between the European Community and Canada on Trade in Wines and Spirit Drinks, done at Niagara-on-the-Lake on 16 September 2003 (the "2003 Wines and Spirit Drinks Agreement") are incorporated into and made part of this Agreement, as amended by Annex 30-B.

4. The provisions of the 1989 Alcoholic Beverages Agreement or the 2003 Wines and Spirit Drinks Agreement, as amended and incorporated into this Agreement, prevail to the extent that there is an inconsistency between the provisions of those agreements and any other provision of this Agreement.

5. The Agreement on Mutual Recognition between the European Community and Canada (the "Agreement on Mutual Recognition"), done at London on 14 May 1998, shall be terminated from the date of entry into force of this Agreement. In the event of provisional application of Chapter Four (Technical Barriers to Trade) in accordance with Article 30.7.3(a), the Agreement on Mutual Recognition, as well as the rights and obligations derived therefrom, shall be suspended as of the date of provisional application. In the event the provisional application is terminated, the suspension of the Agreement on Mutual Recognition shall cease.

6. The Parties recognise the achievements that have been accomplished under the Agreement between the European Community and the Government of Canada on sanitary measures to protect public and animal health in respect of trade in live animals and animal products, done at Ottawa on 17 December 1998 (the "Veterinary Agreement") and confirm their intention to continue this work under this Agreement. The Veterinary Agreement shall be terminated from the date of entry into force of this Agreement. In the event of provisional application of Chapter Five (Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures) in accordance with Article 30.7.3(a), the Veterinary Agreement, as well as the rights and obligations derived therefrom, shall be suspended as of the date of provisional application. In the event the provisional application is terminated, the suspension of the Veterinary Agreement shall cease.

7. The definition of "entry into force of this Agreement" in Article 30.7.3(d) shall not apply to this Article.

Article 30.9 – Termination

1. A Party may denounce this Agreement by giving written notice of termination to the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union and the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development of Canada, or their respective successors. This Agreement shall be terminated 180 days after the date of that notice. The Party giving a notice of termination shall also provide the CETA Joint Committee with a copy of the notice.

2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, in the event that this Agreement is terminated, the provisions of Chapter Eight (Investment) shall continue to be effective for a period of 20 years after the date of termination of this Agreement in respect of investments made before that date.

Article 30.10 – Accession of new Member States of the European Union

1. The European Union shall notify Canada of any request made by a country to accede to the European Union.

2. During the negotiations between the European Union and the country seeking accession, the European Union shall:

  1. provide, upon the request of Canada, and to the extent possible, any information regarding any matter covered by this Agreement; and
  2. take into account any concerns expressed by Canada.

3. The European Union shall notify Canada of the entry into force of any accession to the European Union.

4. Sufficiently in advance of the date of accession of a country to the European Union, the CETA Joint Committee shall examine any effects of the accession on this Agreement and shall decide on any necessary adjustment or transition measures.

5. Any new Member State of the European Union shall accede to this Agreement from the date of its accession to the European Union by means of a clause to that effect in the act of accession to the European Union. If the act of accession to the European Union does not provide for the automatic accession of the European Union Member State to this Agreement, the European Union Member State concerned shall accede to this Agreement by depositing an act of accession to this Agreement with the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union and the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development of Canada, or their respective successors.

Article 30.11 – Authentic texts

This Agreement is drawn up in duplicate in the Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish languages, each version being equally authentic.

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